Tom discovers that meh is mid and Molly finds the hot new scream. Then Tom is standing on his own two ceramic mouse feet, while Molly is rewatching the OG small screen classic.
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Tom discovers that meh is mid and Molly finds the hot new scream. Then Tom is standing on his own two ceramic mouse feet, while Molly is rewatching the OG small screen classic.
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Tom IDs the streaming flavor of the month and Molly gets us hip with the new slang from the kids. Then Tom goes back to the cottage, while Molly finds everything is about mushrooms.
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Tom is leaving a meh review for a body of water and Molly is getting in the holiday sampling spirit. Then Tom finds an iconic Zoom meeting, while Molly risks a deluge of emails by drifting into a car thing.
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Tom plays it safe with a Manny adjacent thing confirmation and Molly finds men that dress to impress. Then Tom finds the truck version of a clipboard, while Molly recognizes another Gen-Z mental health milestone.
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Tom gets trailerized and Molly finds the new backyard hotness. Then Tom finds what’s old is new again for department store chains, while Molly finds the emoji of choice for the young cool people.
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Tom discovers a thing from the Midwest and Molly finds the hottest thing in crafting. Then Tom finds sunny day umbrellas are a thing, while Molly finds the weather don’t lie.
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Producer’s Note: the audio on Producer Rich was accidently recorded from his laptop mic, so the quality is not the best. Apologies!
Producer Rich subs in for Tom in the episode, starting out with a dubious lunch distinction, while Molly has the new cheese hotness. Then Rich finds another 90s fashion trend exploding and Molly finds a relaxing drink.
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Tom is cruising on his penny board and Molly has a very legitimate charging thing. Then Tom has a new faux pas thing, while Molly features a new gaming thing that’s also a curse.
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Tom casts judgement on a thing that shined bright and Molly doubles down on her crazy plant lady credentials. Then Tom is singing the praises of breaking up, while Molly is getting spicy honey!
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