It’s a Thing is a show grown from the brain of Molly Wood and turned into a sporadically updated Twitter feed. It later became a podcast, hosted by Tom and Molly, who discovered through many years of co-hosting the hit CNET podcast “Buzz Out Loud” that sometimes the best conversations in any podcast are the tangents. Appropriately enough, It’s a Thing is a show about tangents that has occasionally gotten derailed by, well, other things. But Tom and Molly missed doing shows together, so they decided that It’s a Thing should become a thing. Again.
Molly Wood

Molly Wood is the founder and CEO of Molly Wood Media, the voice of the climate economy, formerly a business journalist covering technology at CNET, the New York Times, and Marketplace.
Tom Merritt

Tom Merritt is the host of the award-winning Daily Tech News Show and Sword and Laser as well as a half-dozen other podcasts.
Theme song for It’s a Thing:
Give It To Me by Alex is licensed under a Attribution Share-Alike (3.0).
Outstanding! I used to LIVE for the BOL Molly rants and there have never been two personalities more chemically perfect for appointment podcasting. Bring it. I have followed TWiT and Always On, but nothing is better than Tom and Molly riffing together.
Correction: TNT. I follow TWiT, but that is not relevant.
Glad the dynamic duo is back! Heard about your new place on Twit and got the podcasts set up asap. Excellent days ahead…
My new fav podcast. Molly & Tom together again. Perfect.
It seemed like all my favorite podcasts were ending. It’s AMAZING to have a new one beginning. Especially this one. I listen to podcasts at work but I can’t watch video, so I went from listening to Molly everyday to not hearing from her in years. (Tom I still get to listen to on Sword and Laser and TNT…) It’s great to have you guys back together again.
I have a great topic for an episode. Eyeball licking. Yeah….its a thing.
Could not find “it’s a thing” on stitcher.
After many a 4 hour drives, I have come to depend on the Tom & Molly show(s) to keep me alert, entertained and engaged in tech today.
…things reminds me of something, yet nothing – perfectly.
Keep up the great work and great journalism!
Love it when you two work together.
In case you missed it on NPR: Watermelon Babies Of China
“Not all parents in China are dressing their kids in melon wear, and there isn’t an army of watermelon children roaming the street. However, this does seem to be a thing.”
I was a long time listener of you two on BOL and I’m also glad to see you back together. Well done!
Just saw a report on NBC Nightly News about a trend in people getting together for do-it-yourself repairs instead of just junking things.
Looks like a good way to save money and reduce waste. Could be a thing, yes?
BTW, Luv the show!
This could be a thing – gingham shirts. It seems that I am spotting more men in the media wearing gingham shirts. Tim Gunn, who is suppose to be a fashion guru, is wearing gingham. Gingham is a great look for a table cloth, but not a great look for men’s shirts. Is this a thing?
BTW, love hearing Molly and Tom together again.
Is “it’s a thing” DOA? no new episodes since October. I too am glad that this BOL duo returned. Love the show and hope this remains a thing
Hi Angel. You must have missed the end of the episode huh? We do It’s A Thing in seasons. We’ll keep you updated when the next season arrives. Probably sometime after the first of the year we’re thinking.
Glad you like the show!
So, uh… any chance this podcast is coming back? Or perhaps a new show with Molly and Tom? Anything? Miss you guys.
Every chance. What happened was we were planning to maybe do a Kickstarter in January. Then I got let go at TWiT. Then Molly got a job at the New York Times. So all of that has distracted us somewhat. But we definitely aren’t abandoning this show, it’s just going to take us both awhile to settle into our respective new situations. Sorry for the delay We shall return!
Hi Molly & Tom, hope you’re doing good!
I am trying to start my own company in India, and wanted to ask if I could use on of the images on your website. Its the one with windows and mountains in it, want to use it as a symbol of hope. To reassure you my business is not related to yours at all, will be really helpful if you could let me use it for free or at a nominal charge since I am a budding entrepreneur.
Please let me know what you think.
Thank you.
Looking forward to your response.
That images was licensed from
I listen to many podcasts but not indiscriminately. I choose carefully. ‘It’s a Thing’ is my favorite. It would be difficult to explain exactly why, but to those who venture here I daresay no explanation is needed. In the world of sweet, sugar & butter need no exposition. In the land of savory, salt and pepper require no commentary. The magic of Tom & Molly is self evident.
Though I find myself giddy with each new episode, I also have concerns that Tom & Molly will have enough encouragement to continue the effort. This sounds noble but it is not. I have eagerly used the “donate” button but only to support my own thoughtless needs and the furtherance of my addiction. My contribution is void of altruism. Any benefit to the show is collateral. I encourage others to be as self-serving as I have been.
Topic suggestion:
And now for something completely different: Babymetal
I listen to a lot of tech podcasts, mainly those on the TWiT network, and I have noticed an increased use of the word “Absolutely!” For example:
“Welcome to the show” – (reply) “Absolutely!”
“Thanks for inviting me” – (reply) “Absolutely!”
“Is that correct?” – (reply) “Absolutely!” etc,etc,etc…
Is this a new thing on the West Coast or in the techie world? (Please don’t say “Absolutely!”)
Found on the CBS News website –
Found this new ‘cast of yours a bit late and am now catching up. Great stuff! Loved the schtick since the birth of BOL…..but….no new episodes coming?
Please tell me that we’re not all going to be soon saying…..”LOVED the show!”
Guys, you have GOT to do a show on ASMR videos on YouTube. I just discovered this phenomenon about 2 weeks ago, and apparently, IT’S TOTALLY A THING!! I’m still not sure if I should be creeped out by them, or thankful, because they knock me right out. But I can’t help wondering if there’s something wrong with me for watching them.
Just have to say… I really miss this show!! Would love it if Tom and Molly had enough time in their schedule to do a new series of episodes. So many “things”, like the keto diet, Snapchat/Instagram filters, photo retouching apps that people have no clue how to properly use and make themselves look weird and obviously fake! Haha! I love that both of you are so busy now and am still following what you’re doing, but I’m really missing the Tom/Molly combo. 🙂
Great job on your first show after your hiatus (12/2018).
As expected… you two are very entertaining, clever and witty.
Welcome Back!
I recommend “Because it’s my first Life” (available on Viki). It has become one of my favorite Korean dramas. Tom I am sure your wife would like this one. Very well written. Modern Rom-Com. Covers many current issues in Korea.
Soooo glad you’re back!!
Listening to the podcast & thought I’d throw out there that Galentine’s Day started with Parks & Rec. (I think)
Hi Molly & Tom I’m very happy you are back doing this together. Love the feel of the old BOL days recently you talked about fasting. And I know you are serious research guys. Here. Is an update on this understanding can’t wait for more from you
So pleased Cicerone came up in this week’s cast. I am a craft beer geek (among other things) I have been listening to Tom since tech news today started. And listen to all his other podcasts. But I have just started my certified Cicerone training and loving both the journey and the craft beer community. It’s such a friendly inclusive group. Thanks for the great podcasts.
I’m old enough to remember washrooms that had vending machines much like you’re describing in the latest podcast – toiletries, aspirin, etc. and here’s a link to tons of others I never knew about:
This is a great show, but I think something is missing. Veronica needs to send you text remarks to participate as if she was the third person on the show that doesn’t have a microphone.
Hey, did I hear Tom mention Pickleball when I listened to episode 66 today, which is the same day I read about pickleball being the new ball sport played in Thorneside, here in Redland City (a.k.a. Redland Coast if you believe the marketing types) to the east of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.
Love your podcast! Will probably ante up as a Patreon supporter in the near future. In the meantime I shall share a tiny nit, a cringe as it were, regarding the pronunciation of Lillet — a beverage which in the past few weeks has been mentioned in your shows.
I’ve loved listening to Tom and Molly since the early days of BOL.
Where can I listen to “The Nugget”, Molly’s podcast about teardrop camping?
I have started to see the khaki grey Subaru everywhere, and I live in Humboldt County. On another note, I listened to Buzz out Loud forever, and then when the show ended it was like Mom and Dad got divorced, and I had to go between your houses, ie, the Gadgettes, and Tech News Today. Then I followed both of you through most of your myriad shows, and when you got back together to do It’s A Thing, it was like the family was back together again. Then you took a break and my little divorced child’s heart was broken again, so now that you are back together for the second time, you have to keep going! Thanks for all of the years of fun and information. I want to go to the party with Fordo and Shannon! Love, Gaby
I forgot to say, I always get the Avalon brand lemon shampoo and conditioner, and the other day, I decided to try their new fragrance, Apple Cider. It’s a thing!
Molly, Molly, Molly. I can’t begin to express my rage screaming on my commute home listening to last week’s podcast when you mentioned that you prompted the nickname Friar Tuck to your girlfriend. As a follicly challenged man myself, I could not understand why you didn’t suggest the nickname “Jean Luc” or “Picard”. He, too, sported the head ring while being considered one of the sexiest captains in Star Fleet. You could have saved their relationship!!
I love perusing the online shopping sites like GILT, and I’ve noticed that shiny metallic colored down jackets seem to be a thing.
Just wanted to drop a couple of things here that my fiance and I have noticed lately.
1. Tobacco scents being added to candles and other products.
2. Matcha is everywhere. Seriously it’s being added to everything around here.
3. You both are awesome. It’s definitely a thing.
Tom and Molly, Did you realize there are now “VSCO Girl” themed sticker packs? Thought you needed to see them. Hope it adds a moment of delight to your day. One example:
I realized today that I’m wearing a Thing, but there’s more to it than that. I bought a nice silk blouse at a thrift store a couple weeks ago. It hung in my closet for those couple weeks because it’s been too cold to wear it. I put it on to wear to work today and realized it’s got the Chrysler Building look. Two things in one!
Here’s a thing about one of last week’s things – ADUs
Hey Guys
I have been listening to you since “the beginning”. I retired 3 years ago, but when I was wiry and in my “big money” years, I was on the legendary “Screaming Eagle” client list. Yup, I was offered the obligatory 3 bottles a year for the (bargain basement) price of $750/bottle. I no longer have that kind of disposable income. However, I know Stan Kroenke’s right hand man who oversees the Screaming Eagle distribution. And ready for this …
ITS A BLEND All of the high end cabs are blends.
Love your twisted show. Keep on keepin’ on,
New thing: calling the youngest generation Zoomers.
Your welcome.