It’s A Thing- s03e08 – Glass of vinegar?

BalsamicshotOlive oil and balsamic vinegar are now in a boutique boom if not downright collectible. But do people really drink straight vinegar? Yes. Yes, they do.

BREAKING THINGS: Mason jars now everywhere.

Download the episode here.

10 Responses to “It’s A Thing- s03e08 – Glass of vinegar?”

  1. Two comments:

    First, if you find yourself in Nice, you have to try Oliviera (, a fantastic little restaurant where simple foods are designed to pair with the place’s high-end olive oils.

    Also: all the talk about vinegar reminded me that Asian-style “drinking vinegars” are fast becoming a thing, driven in part by Andy Richter’s Pok Pok restaurants in Portland and Brooklyn.

    Thanks for the show.

  2. The two of you sounded pretty skeptical about drinking vinegar. Try equal parts unfiltered cider vinegar with mother and honey, about 2 TBS each. Dilute with water to taste. About 12 – 16 ounces.

  3. I love you guys working together and the binge podcast ideal is wonderful. Molly you make my wife listen and want to know more about tech. But with “It’s A Thing” topics typically pushes me back into her intrest. Thank you for keeping my nerd/foodie marriage balanced. Tom, thank you for creating the DTNS podcast, it felt good to see how quick you landed on your feet. I am keeping up with you both and look forward to seeing whatever projects you are working on next. Keep up the good work you both do, your fans appreciate it and know you make something difficult look easy.

  4. Darren

    I was introduced to boutique vinegar shops in Portland and Vancouver. Some of the flavored balsamics work amazingly well with simply a tablespoon stirred into a glass of sparkling water with ice. The sweetness and the acidity make a very good soda-pop.
    Also, a tablespoon of balsamic in hot water makes for a very nice tea that really helps with digestion after a meal. I keep a bottle in my desk at work for balsamic tea after lunch.
    And some of the olive oils are excellent over simple things, like popcorn, instead of using melted butter or margarine.
    Oh, it’s definitely a thing.

  5. I discovered the flavoured balsamic thing in Arizona this spring visiting friends around Scottsdale in some shops. I know you sounded skeptical, but I’m a Midwest guy and I thought it was awesome. Especially some of the ones you were most doubtful on – like the black cherry one. Yum!

  6. B.R. Cohn up in Sonoma had some flavored Balsamic vinegar back in 2008 when I visited them. It made for a great salad dressing.

  7. Stephina

    What is Sheet Bacon? I tried Googling it and keep coming up with cooking bacon on a cookie sheet in the oven. Which is the way I cook it anyway. (best way)

    I did find that Spam in the can now comes in bacon, jalapeno and teriyaki varieties.

    PS: I’ve tried vinegar drinks and they are GROSS! But then again I’m not a fan of Balsamic vinegar.

  8. My wife just mentioned the trend she’s noticed in all things pickled. Tom, your being from the Midwest I’m sure you’ve seen the pickled eggs in the big gallon jar but this is not what she’s referring to.

    As much as I hate to encourage even more food related “things” I felt this anecdote was closely enough related to vinegar that I’d mention it. You might even take it as a (possible) barometer on the “pulse” of the Midwest.

    At a recent meeting regarding a new cafe opening this year in the Upper Midwest (location vague to protect the innocent) focused on Millennials none of the other attendees had ever tried Kombucha or “grokked” the fermented and/or pickled foods/drinks “thing.”

    BTW, where is the best place to throw out ideas & discuss them? I mean in particular questions or comments regarding things not yet stamped with the “It’s a thing seal of approval.” I know you’ve used Reddit toward that end very successfully but if it’s there for “It’s a thing” I couldn’t find it.

  9. I hope the guy who collects olive oil knows it will go rancid, right? Buy 1 or two bottles at a time. No more.
    And know that a lot of olive oil (70%) we buy in the US isn’t really olive oil. It’s grape seed oil (or similar) flavored to taste like olive oil. The taste doesn’t tell you that it’s real, sometimes the real olive oil is much milder than what we think of as olive oil. I’d be wary of paying too much for it, unless I knew it was the real thing.