Tom is hitting different and Molly is giving herself a little treat. Then Tom jumps onboard the good ship situation, while Molly finds mom’s reacting to maximalism.
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Tom is hitting different and Molly is giving herself a little treat. Then Tom jumps onboard the good ship situation, while Molly finds mom’s reacting to maximalism.
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Tom has a sticky feeling about a new thing and Molly is bearish on a new ad campaign. Then Tom gets on record with a new superpower, while Molly is seeing yellow for a new dog toy.
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Tom and Molly were live together at CES 2024 digging into all the hot things for the new year. Come for the micro-cows and latest fashion trends, stay for the reverse harems and Indian whiskey.
Molly and Tom start off the New Year by cleaning out the bullpen. What wonders of potential things from 2023 that didn’t quite make it to the show will be there? New acronyms, fashion, food, and more! YOU MUST LISTEN TO FIND OUT!
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